Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Patience & Grace

We all suffer at times.  When I fell and broke my arm seven weeks ago, I began a journey in suffering that involves chronic pain, a new experience for me, a new opportunity.  Opportunity?  Yes, because I have been given this opportunity to learn patience and grace.  Here is a quote from St. Therese of Liseaux, "Everything is grace, everything is the direct effect of our Father's love.  Everything is grace because everything is God's gift.  Whatever be the character of life or its unexpected events, to the heart that loves, all is well."  The grace I've experienced is that I have a lot of support from Martin in this trial.  He always is sensitive to my pain and encourages me.  Another grace was evident this weekend when I went to Cursillo.  The pain did not totally leave, but it never distracted me from this magnificent time of learning and being with other Christians.  Patience, patience in immersing  myself in the processes of healing.  Healing takes time.  As we begin the Lenten season today on Ash Wednesday, I will think of it as a season of healing as we prepare for the joyful celebration of Christ's resurrection.  Sigh. . .I'm not very good at suffering and my patience wears thin; Lord, give me the grace I need for today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HI Mom,
just read your posts from the past moth. Sorry the healing of the arm has been such a rough experience. The girls pray for you regularly at bedtime :)