Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In the Mood

Some home improvement projects overwhelm me, so I put them off until I'm in the mood. One of those projects was the painting of a bedroom in our dear little house on Elizabeth Street. This house was so nice, so clean, so well-maintained when we moved in. It has required none of the usual re-do's that often come with moving into an older home. But one room was not pretty. The turquoise room. Walls, woodwork, ceiling, dingy curtains. Too much of a good thing, and a lot of work to transform it into the light neutral palate we desire for our little home. "I'll just put it off til I'm in the mood," I decided. Every time I walked by the door to that room I looked the other way. Then I ran across a quote that nudged me into action.

"I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work." Pearl S. Buck

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