Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gooch Retrospective Continued. . .

Photographing art was harder than I realized.  Lighting is key.  Without professional equipment, I had to figure out a way to capture the true beauty of Linda's paintings.  I had a lightbulb (pun!) moment one day and decided to take the paintings outdoors.  Very fun, indeed.  This opens up all kinds of possibilities!  I'm including an outdoor photo of "Cherry Tea" as well as an indoor shot--just to show where it hangs in our home.  You can see which one gives a better view of Linda's skillfully rendered water colour.  I love this painting, a going away gift from Linda when we left California.  And it is cherry season now, so time for a cherry tea.


Joke Mols said...

Hoi Penny

How are you ? Nice pictures again here on your blog ;-)
Did you made pictures of the grave from my Tante Nelly ?
Martins mom !
I hope you did ;-)
Love from Holland

Nanna said...

Hi Joke, I'm sorry, we forgot to bring our camera that day. Martin said we will drive over another day and take some pictures for you. Love, Pennie

Joke Mols said...

Hai Pennie

It should be wonderful if you made another time some pictures from the grave , thanks . The new pictures here on the blog from the flags are beauty ....say hi to everybody .... bye . Love Joke